Progetti - Case study

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I appreciate Risatti’s ability to tackle and solve a completely new problem, in our case, groups for motorization of pedal assisted bicycles, as if we were a single customer/supplier group project.

Michele Modenese

Operation Manager
OLI S.p.A. – Modena, Italy


We are very satisfied with the reliability of the testing equipment, commercial structure and service very well organized, ready and prepared in responding to customer needs and problems.

Neil du Preez

Lab Services Manager
Wilec – Johannesburg, South Africa

Customer needs

Risatti is a valuable partner for us as their distributor. Their flexibility and ability to adapt to the customer needs ends up in end-user satisfaction.

Alberto M.

Commercial Director
DRILCO, S.L. – San Sebastián de los Reyes, Madrid, Spain

25 years of collaboration

Great company that manifactures testers according to constantly evolving standards and special needs.

Patrice Kirch

Technical-Commercial Director
AGEMO Groupe ALPHITAN – Agen, France


With Risatti we trace our electric test to make them available to our customers around the world.

Giancarlo Mattiello

Technical Office
MeccAlte S.p.A. – Creazzo, Vicenza, Italy


We are very satisfied with the reliability of the testing equipment, commercial structure and service very well organized, ready and prepared in responding to customer needs and problems.

Davide Colla

Cattani S.p.A. – Parma, Italy

Alcuni settori di impiego
dei nostri strumenti

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