Die cast rotor test

Die cast rotor

Die cast rotor testing: this simple, practical and effective test has been carried out by RISATTI INSTRUMENTS since 1975, for the immediate detection of the main defects found on die cast rotors.

Before illustrating the operating principle of the system, we wish to underscore the importance of conducting this test in the context of assistance and repairs, as well as, of course, in laboratory for research and in-depth evaluations of sample rotors.

Indeed, often, motor failure is caused by a failure occurred on the die-cast rotor, which, causing a lower yield with consequent greater heating of the stator winding, can lead to motor shutdown.

Therefore, it is extremely useful to have a quick and safe system to test the rotor prior to rewinding the stator which, without replacing the defective rotor, would be completely useless.

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How to carry out the test of die-cast rotors

Die cast rotor

The O4/BPR transducer generates a continuous flow between its polar expansions by means of permanent magnets placed inside it.

By making the rotor under test rotate, its bars cross this flow and absorb induced current which is inversely proportional to their ohmic resistance: the lower this resistance (and thus, there are no defects) the higher the circulating current.

This current generates a counter-flow proportional to its intensity which, for each bar explored, dedicated sensor windings transform into an electric signal similar to a sinusoid, which is appropriately amplified and readable on the series display.

The constant amplitude of all the displayed signals indicates the absence of defects, while, on the contrary, the reduction in the amplitude of one or more signals, or even its absence, denote defects due to a variety of causes, which we will subsequently interpret.

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